From: Timo Müller (
Date: Thu 20 Jan 2005 - 08:29:11 GMT
Hi !!!
I´ve a problem when I Stop my vServer:
-bash-3.00# vserver vServer0 stop
Stopping the virtual server vServer0
Server vServer0 is running
ipv4root is now - (normaly here stand a real ip adress)
New security context is 49156
Stopping webmin: [ OK ]
httpd beenden: [ OK ]
sshd stoppen: [ OK ]
crond beenden: [ OK ]
Starting killall: [ OK ]
Sending all processes the TERM signal... [ OK ]
Sending all processes the KILL signal... [ OK ]
Syncing hardware clock to system time hwclock is unable to get I/O port
access: the iopl(3) call failed.
Turning off swap: Not superuser.
umount2: Invalid argument
umount: /dev/hdv1: not found
umount: /: not mounted
mount: permission denied
Please stand by while rebooting the system...
init: /dev/initctl: No such file or directory
sleeping 5 seconds
Killing all processes
Can't set the new security context
: Invalid argument
The vserver start without any problems, and works perfect, too!
What does that mean, and how can i fix it ??
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