From: Herbert Poetzl (
Date: Sun 16 Jan 2005 - 20:22:31 GMT
On Sun, Jan 16, 2005 at 01:19:38PM +0100, Oliver Heinz wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone please give me information about the current status of
> fakeinit support?
hmm, the thing with fakeinit is, it is one of the most
misunderstood flags we ever head, because it means
all kinds of things depending on kernel/tool version
the current status is: it is supported ;)
> With vs1.9.3 and 1.9.4-rc1 utils-vserver 0.30 (as included in debian
> sarge) there seem to be still problems with static Context IDs (you
> cannot restart the vserver) and stopping the vserver with "vserver name
> stop" fails (stopping with shutdown -h or halt from within the vserver
> works btw.)
fails how? with what?
> Are those Problems util-server related, and should I give current
> version 0.30.196 another try? Or haven't they been addressed, yet?
what problems? (need more details here)
> (Changelog mentions only "added warning about explicit 'fakeinit' usage"
> since 0.30.0)
> I need fakeinit because monit (the system monitoring utility) relies on
> the presence of process id 1 (init). Is there another way to achive
> this, like unhiding the real init for all contexts (security is not an
> issue here).
VXF_INFO_INIT it what you want here (which blends
in the init process from the host)
> Thanks in advance,
> Oliver
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