From: Herbert Poetzl (
Date: Wed 14 Apr 2004 - 02:53:59 BST
On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 06:13:13PM +0200, Christophe DUBREUIL wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following problem with DansGuardian :
> - When I trie to run it in a Debian woody Vserver,
> it don't start, and exit with this error message :
> "Error binding ipc server file (try using the SysV
> to stop DansGuardian then try starting it again or
> doing an 'rm /tmp/.dguardianipc').
> Exiting with error"
okay this for sure isn't the usual system error
message, but a specific 'DansGuardian' (whatever
that might be) error message ...
> - When I do the same think on a "real" debian woody,
> all works fine.
well, please define _same_ here, does it mean:
a) execute the runlevel script
b) have the same environment/setup/files/libs
c) start the vserver as chroot?
> I think the problem is a CAP problem, so I try to
> start the Vserver with all CAPS in the config file.
> (30 CAPS , it's a "SUPER-VSERVER" :-) )
did you verify, that your changes actually added
the specified CAPs? why not try with a chroot()
first, then with a 'chcontext chroot' and if both
works, with a chcontext --secure chroot?
> The Vserver still work, but DansGuardian don't.
> It's not a DansGuardian config problem, i don't think
> it's a dansguadian bug.
what makes you 'think' that this is so?
> Any idea ?
use strace (preferable >= 4.5), make a trace of
the 'failing' process on the host, and inside the
vserver ...
> kernel 2.4.25
> Vserver 0.29
what kernel patch, what tools? in case of doubt,
please use the following script to identify ..
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