From: Herbert Poetzl (
Date: Wed 22 Oct 2003 - 21:29:39 BST
On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 12:26:46PM -0500, Jacques Gelinas wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:34:03 -0500, Enrico Scholz wrote
> > (Jacques Gelinas) writes:
> >
> > >> please note that this version requires new tools (util-vserver 0.23.92
> > >> or later) to work. you can get them either from the same directory, or
> > >> from Enricos util-vserver page at
> > >
> > > This is confusing. Why change the name of the package.
> >
> > util-vserver began as an experimental port of the 'vserver' package
> > to provide C-implementations of the base-tools and an automake based
> > build-system. When it become official (that means: when it become a
> > savannah project), the old 'vserver' package was still alive and
> > there were possible naming-conflicts with other, non-security context
> > 'vserver' projects. Since it needed a name, I chose 'util-vserver',
> > which seems to be more describing than 'vserver'.
> Yes true, but now it will become the official version and the project is
> called linux-vserver, so we should keep the same name.
I disagree, the name itself is of no importance at all,
the fact, that the name of kernel patch is not equal
to the userspace tools can at best be seen as an advantage
which allows to have different version numbers for patch
and tools ... (how often did I hear about the 0.22 patch
and the ctx17 release ;)
> > > btw, Why util-vserver has dropped the newverser command.
> >
> > * I do not know how to program in 'shellmod'
> This is a community project. Other know how. So keep it in.
agreed on that, but, and I guess that is the best
solution for the moment, not necessarily in util-vserver
which, at the moment, is Enricos domain only ...
to simplify that, and because of some issues with the
new syscall switch (or the userspace tools), I will
release the c17f version as vserver-1.0, which works
well with both userspace implementations (Jack's and
Enrico's) so people can decide which tools they want
to use ...
so my wishes/suggestions are:
a) Enrico, please continue the development of util-vserver
in the way you think it's the best for the user ...
b) Jack, please continue development of the 'original'
vserver utilities, again, in the way you think it's
best for the user ...
c) Both, please adjust your tools to the vserver kernel
development (which will add many features in the near
future ...)
d) Community, send your suggestions, wishes, bug reports,
ideas to the developers ...
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