From: Bjoern Stierand (
Date: Thu 17 Jul 2003 - 08:04:26 BST
On Thursday, Jul 17, 2003, at 00:41 Europe/Berlin, Christoph Kuhles
> has anyone tried yet to run a kernel with both ctx and grsecurity
> patches applied? The patches apply pretty fine except for a "conflict"
> in kernel/signal.c which probably can easily be resolved, however, the
> question is, will both work well together? Would be nice to get some
> feedback if anyone has tried. Thanks!
I'm currently running 2.4.20 with ctx17 and grsec 1.9.9h over here,
cause the -ctx17 for 2.4.21 (both the official one and the one from
Herbert) caused some trouble.
The rejects when applying both patches (I applied -ctx first) can
easily be sorted out.
Works fine till now - it's on a 'production machine' with (sometimes)
heavy load on it.