From: Dariush Pietrzak (
Date: Sat 12 Jul 2003 - 22:09:57 BST
I'd like a setup with various vservers on different console,
alt-f1 -> vserver1, alt-f2 -> vserver2, etc...
I figured I just put /usr/sbin/chcontext --ctx 2 /sbin/getty tty...etc
instead of getty in /etc/inittab,
but it seems like it's not the right way to do that, I get failures ( init
respawning too fast...) but I can't diagnose where the problem is.
Am I doing something wrong?
How can I locate the problem?
-- Mayoi komuno wa Usuyami no sekai, Dariush Pietrzak Key fingerprint = 40D0 9FFB 9939 7320 8294 05E0 BCC7 02C4 75CC 50D9