From: Luís Miguel Silva (
Date: Thu 08 May 2003 - 12:25:05 BST
That is a very nice approach, but what about real quota (per user) on a
The (non'official) patches for quota support are considered unsecure and
Does anybody know of a way to add *real* quota support for each vserver?
Best regards,
Luís Silva
> Hello!
> Mitchell Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering if it is possible to enforce a disk quota on a virtual
>> server?
> Don't use a partition in a block device as the vserver's root. Use a
> /dev/loop and mount it prior to starting the vserver.
> # mount -o loop /vserver-images/vserver1.img /vservers/vserver1
> # vserver vserver1 start
> If you need to add 1GB to it:
> # vserver vserver1 stop
> # umount /vservers/vserver1
> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/1GB bs=1M count=1000
> # cat /tmp/1GB >> /vserver-images/vserver1.img
> # resize2fs /vserver-images/vserver1.img
> Regards,
> Nuno Silva
>> i.e. if I had /home/vservers as a 40 gb partition and I want to split
>> it up between 4 vservers at 10 gb each, can I tell each vserver that
>> it can only use 10 gb of that partition?
>> I know I could just partition up the drive that way, but then it
>> doesn't allow for resizing any of the vservers disk space, say I
>> wanted to give one 25 gb and shrink the other 3 down to 5 gb, I
>> couldn't do that with out some major repartitioning.
>> Comments very welcome.
>> From Mitchell
| Luís Miguel Silva
| Network Administrator@
| Rua António Rodrigues da Rocha, 291/341
| Sto. Ovídio • 4400-025 V. N. de Gaia
| Portugal
| T: +351 22 3745730/3/5 F: +351 22 3745738
| G: +351 93 6371253 E:
| H: