I'm trying to build a NFSROOT for FAI [0] within a vserver guest, but
when it install sysvinit-core the postinst tries to send a USR1 signal
to PID 1 which fails with no such PID.
I'm using "sysv" as the init style for the vserver guest, is it
possible to allow to send signals to PID 1, even if they're ignored?
-- Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand MIITP At work: andrew.ruthven@catalyst.net.nz At home: andrew@etc.gen.nz Cloud : https://catalystcloud.nz GPG fpr: C603 FC4E 600F 1CEC D1C8 D97C 4B53 D931 E4D3 E863Received on Sat Jun 27 10:15:53 2020