Hi Andrew,
great you got that sorted. I'll hopefully be able to be a bit more
pro-active with the builds for Stretch, and for Buster, as we've
decided not to roll out LXC to productions servers for this release
Quoting Andrew Ruthven <andrew.ruthven@catalyst.net.nz>:
> I decided to try the latest 4.9 kernel again tonight and I tracked down
> the performance issue I was seeing. iostat was showing one hard drive
> with utterly terribly wait times, and even running smartctl against
> that drive was epically slow (all other drives ran normally).
> Turns out there was a dodgy SATA cable for that drive. After swapping
> the cable, I/O on the machine is back to what it should be!
> At a guess something has changed in the SATA drivers between 4.1.x and
> 4.9.y and that change of behaviour triggered the issue I was observing.
> Ben, thank you for publishing your kernels!
> Cheers,
> Andrew
Received on Thu Sep 20 20:25:31 2018