On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 11:34:43AM +0100, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Adrian Reyer <are@lihas.de>:
>> Do you have a registered nickname and identified
>> with it?
>> Regards,
>> Adrian
> Hi,
Hello Ben,
> first time I've sent to the channel in a while,
> but I'm getting this issue too.
Since a while (back when the spam bots started) the
channel is moderated, so you need to get a voice (+v)
to send to the channel.
> I do have a registered nick and am identified.
When you join the channel, please /msg an operator
to give you voice (+v) so you can speak up.
> Cheers,
> Ben
>> NickServ< identify ****
> -NickServ- You are successfully identified as Gremble.
> <Gremble> Hey all
> * #vserver :Cannot send to channel
Received on Thu Sep 6 19:34:13 2018