Quoting Andrew Ruthven <andrew.ruthven@catalyst.net.nz>:
> Hey,
> Just to confirm, I've happily upgraded my host and guests to Stretch.
> Only issues I hit related to vserver (other than systemd in the guests
> needing to be removed) was Java 8 and sysvinit-core.
> Java 8 (and some friends) check that /proc is mounted before they'll
> start, so I had to comment out the calls to mountpoint in the affected
> init.d files.
> The sysvinit-core postinst sends a USR1 signal to init, I found that
> failed so had to comment out that line to upgrade sysvinit-core.
> I also finally discovered the reason why some of my guests failed to
> start all the applications they should. Debian defaults to a runlevel
> of 2, but vserver to a runlevel of 3. Not all of the init.d scripts are
> started in runlevel 3.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
Do you mind if I add all that to wiki?
Received on Wed Sep 13 11:20:55 2017