Re: [vserver] debian jessie error on vserver shutdown

From: Jean Weisbuch <>
Date: Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 23:40:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>

The MySQL shutdown could be quite long, especially if you have a big
buffer_pool_size or simply if you hit a bug and the process can be
Are you sure that its not the case you are hitting and that "vserver
stop" would timeout before MySQL would be stopped?

But if its really the "mysqladmin ping" that hangs its strange indeed,
does it seems to hang before it crash or it directly crash when it tries
to execute it?

Le 11/11/2015 23:50, Daniel Urist a écrit :
> I've narrowed down the issue to the init script for the Percona XtraDB
> mysql server. It seems to be crashing the vserver shutdown when it
> calls "mysqladmin ping" to see whether the database is alive. I can
> run "mysqladmin ping" successfully from within the vserver, and also
> from the host with "vserver exec". I can also successfully run
> "/etc/init.d/mysql stop" from the host via "vserver exec". Is there
> something special that happens during vserver shutdown that would
> cause this to fail?
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 11:51 AM, Herbert Poetzl <
> <>> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 10:49:15AM -0700, Daniel Urist wrote:
> > I am in the process of upgrading from debian wheezy to jessie
> > for both hosts and guests. All hosts and guests are running
> > sysv-rc (no systemd!). I'm getting the following error on
> > shutdown with jessie guests running on jessie hosts:
> Hey Daniel,
> > /usr/share/util-vserver/vserver.stop: line 100: 3511 Killed
> > "${IONICE_CMD[@]}" "${NICE_CMD[@]}" "${NETNS_CMD[@]}"
> "${CHBIND_CMD[@]}"
> > "$_VSPACE" --enter "$S_CONTEXT" "${OPTS_VSPACE[@]}"
> > "${OPTS_VSPACE_SHARED[@]}" -- "$_VTAG" --migrate
> > --silent -- $_VCONTEXT $SILENT_OPT --migrate
> > "$S_CONTEXT" -- "${INITCMD_STOP[@]}"
> This looks like the rc scripts executed to stop the guest
> kill the util-vserver stop script at some point.
> > This doesn't happen with wheezy guests running on jessie hosts,
> This is kind of suspected, as it is most likely a minor
> "problem" with the guest side rc scripts.
> > or with jessie guests on wheezy hosts.
> This is very interesting, are you sure that the very
> same guest does not exhibit this behaviours regardless
> of the host system (given that util-vserver is the same
> version).
> > If I switch from init style sysv to plain, I don't see any
> > errors, but I'm assuming that just suppresses the message
> > since the vserver shuts down almost instantaneously;
> An almost instant shutdown is not a bad thing per se, after
> all container style virtualization is very fast. This
> setup will not call any scripts inside the guest directly,
> instead it will signal the init process inside the guest
> to shut down. If everything goes as expected, your guest
> should simply disappear (no more processes in the guest
> context)
> > I'm concerned that it's not going down cleanly.
> It might be a good idea to check what scripts are actually
> executed inside the guest and supplement them with debug
> output (or run them with -x for bash scripts).
> > The kernel version for jessie is 3.18.21-vs2.3.7.4-beng (from
> > <>), util-vserver is
> 0.30.216-pre3120-jessie0.1-1.
> > Any hints on how to fix or at least debug this?
> You can also run util-vserver with the --debug option,
> which might shed some light on the issue.
> HTH,
> Herbert
Received on Wed Nov 11 23:40:29 2015

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