I am in the process of upgrading from debian wheezy to jessie for both
hosts and guests. All hosts and guests are running sysv-rc (no systemd!).
I'm getting the following error on shutdown with jessie guests running on
jessie hosts:
/usr/share/util-vserver/vserver.stop: line 100: 3511 Killed
"${IONICE_CMD[@]}" "${NICE_CMD[@]}" "${NETNS_CMD[@]}" "${CHBIND_CMD[@]}"
"$_VSPACE" --enter "$S_CONTEXT" "${OPTS_VSPACE[@]}"
"${OPTS_VSPACE_SHARED[@]}" -- "$_VTAG" --migrate "${OPTS_VTAG_ENTER[@]}"
--silent -- $_VCONTEXT $SILENT_OPT --migrate $OPT_VCONTEXT_CHROOT --xid
This doesn't happen with wheezy guests running on jessie hosts, or with
jessie guests on wheezy hosts. If I switch from init style sysv to plain, I
don't see any errors, but I'm assuming that just suppresses the message
since the vserver shuts down almost instantaneously; I'm concerned that
it's not going down cleanly.
The kernel version for jessie is 3.18.21-vs2.3.7.4-beng (from repo.psand.net),
util-vserver is 0.30.216-pre3120-jessie0.1-1.
Any hints on how to fix or at least debug this?
Received on Mon Nov 9 17:55:06 2015