Are you running jessie on the host as well as the guests? If so, are you
running systemd on the host, and have you seen any issues with that?
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:00 AM, Ghislain <> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Just if that can help someone my command for setup a jessie guest, adapt
> to your setup:
> vserver jessie64 build -n jessie64 -m debootstrap --i-know-its-there \
> --context 44000 --hostname -- \
> -d jessie -- --arch=amd64
> --include=nano,rsync,sudo,vim,tcsh,sysvinit-core,sysvinit,sysvinit-utils
> --exclude=systemd;
> Regards,
> ghislain.
Received on Thu May 7 17:31:50 2015