Re: [vserver] Jessie kernels for (was: New Kernels in

From: Phil D <>
Date: Wed 28 Jan 2015 - 08:29:56 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Good morning, Ben:

Thank you for the quick response. I believe 3.14 would be great as it
would track the current Jessie kernel. We did contemplate a couple of
routes including Wheezy with Jessie guests and even CentOS 6.6 with a 3.14
kernel and Jessie guests but would probably receive some resistance from
people. So to answer the question yes 3.14 would be very much of interest.



On 28 January 2015 at 08:01, Ben Green <> wrote:

> Quoting Ben Green <>:
> Good question.
>> I'm currently considering which kernels to start on. I was going to wait
>> for 3.18, the reason being is that interesting kernels turned up during the
>> wheezy release cycle, eventually meaning I'm maintaining 3.2, 3.4, 3.10 and
>> 3.14 for wheezy at the moment.
>> 3.4 was added as 3.2 was causing issues for some. 4 kernels is a bit too
>> much to keep an eye on, so I'd like to keep it lower this time.
>> I will start on Jessie very soon, possibly today now there's been an
>> actual request. Which kernels would you be interested in seeing there? I'll
>> probably do only 3.14 for now. Would that be of interest?
>> Cheers,
>> Ben
> Also note: adding the wheezy sources to a Jessie install
> should work fine, but YMMV, absolutely no guarantees.
Received on Wed Jan 28 08:53:08 2015

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