> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniël W. Crompton [mailto:daniel.crompton@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:59 PM
> To: VServer Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [vserver] upgrade VServer breaks lsusb
> I suspect a module's not enabled in the kernel.
Although this is clearly a possibility which occurred to me, it may not be
quite that simple. Also, there are a multitude of modules, any number of which
may interact in this case. I can certainly test it by rebuilding the kernel if
you have any idea at all which module(s) could be responsible. However, I was
hoping that this problem might have been brought up before, which might have
provided a clue, but I found no such luck so far.
> BTW according to these Gentoo Docs lsusb uses /proc/bus/usb not
> /dev/bus/usb
Yes, thanks, I should have been clearer. Neither '/proc/bus/usb' nor
'/dev/bus/usb' exists after building this kernel. The /dev/bus reference was
how it used to be handled by devfs if I am not mistaken, but I am not a
> On 11 October 2014 19:01, John A. Wallace <jw72253@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I want to add one more point about this problem. When I try to use
> lsusb, as mentioned below, I get an error message like so:
> "unable to initialize libusb: -99".
> Still, searching for this expression with Google led to no positive
> result in this particular case insofar as I was able to know.
> From: John A. Wallace [mailto:jw72253@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 10:46 PM
> To: vserver@list.linux-vserver.org
> Subject: [vserver] upgrade VServer breaks lsusb
> When I install Gentoo Linux-3.13.11-vserver- using the very
> same kernel ".config" file used for linux-3.10.4-vserver-, I can
> no longer use lsusb, although it, lsusb, works just fine on the earlier
> one. I have scratched my head bare trying to figure out what the
> problem is, but trial-and-error and google have gotten me no closer to
> a solution. I am not a developer, but I have found that with VServer-
> there is a "/dev/bus/usb" getting created; but with VServer-
> there is no "/dev/bus" created.
> I am pretty much at a loss as to how I can troubleshoot this, but I am
> willing to try up to a point, depending on time constraints. If someone
> has any suggestions, I would sure like to hear them. Thanks.
Received on Sat Oct 11 22:39:05 2014