On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 03:54:27PM +0200, Christian Recktenwald wrote:
Hey Christian!
> I'm running
> chbind --ip ip a l
> on the vserver host system and get
> ncontext: vc_net_create(): Invalid argument
This maps to:
/usr/sbin/ncontext --create --silentexist -- /usr/sbin/nattribute --set -- /usr/sbin/naddress --add --ip ip a l
/usr/sbin/ncontext --create --silentexist
is what fails.
> I'm pretty sure this has worked somewhen in the past -
> why does it fail now?
It worked back then when the kernel created dynamic
contexts for unspecified context IDs. This feature
was removed a long time ago, so you basically need
to specify a static context ID to the kernel.
Userspace tools normally work around that by emulating
the dynamic context selection and sending a static
ID to the kernel, but of course, in an explicit
invocation like the chbind, this cannot be done
Solution: imply specify an unused context ID yourself.
chbind --nid 999 --ip ip a l
will do what you want, if the network context with
the number 999 does not exist before you call it.
> --
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Received on Thu Sep 11 20:39:46 2014