Ok, so what you are saying it should work out-of-box without mounting
cgroups, correct?
On 31/03/14 17:18, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Tomasz Pajor <n@servercrunch.com>:
>> Ok, mine is "none /dev/cgroup cgroup rw,relatime,memory,cpu,cpuset 0 0".
>> Maybe that is why it is not working. What does the vserver instead of
>> none stands for?
> Nothing really, you can put anything in there, but as mentioned before
> in this thread, you shouldn't need to mount it manually if you are
> using the util-vserver packages provided on repo.psand.net.
> Cheers,
> Ben
-- Best regards Tomasz PajorReceived on Mon Mar 31 17:32:45 2014