Ok, I read about this. I mounted cgroupfs. I've checked with
lxc-checkconfig, and there is a message Cgroup memory controller: missing.
On 20/03/14 10:50, Tomasz Pajor wrote:
> I never mounted it to be honest. It wasn't a problem till now. Can you
> point me in the right direction, so I can fix this?
> On 20/03/14 10:24, Ben Green wrote:
>> Quoting Tomasz Pajor <n@servercrunch.com>:
>>> Awesome job Ben, thanks!
>>> Just one question. After upgrading from
>>> linux-image-3.13.5-vs2.3.6.11-beng to
>>> linux-image-3.13.6-vs2.3.6.11-beng when running vserver-stat I get
>>> "open(memory.stat): No such file or directory". Any idea how can I
>>> fix this?
>> Odd, that's cgroup related. Has your cgroupfs changed its mount
>> position or failed to mount?
>> Cheers,
>> Ben
-- Best regards Tomasz PajorReceived on Thu Mar 20 10:36:56 2014