Again, thanks - so if I understand, to build the host I want (Wheezy)
without compiling the kernel by hand, the psand repos help....and that
(I think) effects the kernel used in the guests? E.g., my current
guests read "3.2.51-vs2.3.2.16-beng" (appreciate the help - don't want
to over consume your good will)?
On 03/13/14 07:49, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Ted Barnes <>:
>> Q: I thought to use a reasonably current kernel and Debian (Wheezy)
>> and avoid compiling a kernel by hand, your mirrors were a good part
>> of that approach. Is that not the case?
> The intended use for the mirrors is to provide a
> pre-compiled Linux-Vserver kernel and util-vservers packages for host
> machines. The repos don't have any use inside guests.
> Actually that's not entirely true, there might be other packages added
> to the psand repos for other purposes, but you can safely ignore those.
> Cheers,
> Ben
Received on Thu Mar 13 12:03:40 2014