On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 12:04:42PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> I've got an old etch host with 2.6.22-4-vserver-amd64 with
> a couple guests on it I'd like to turn to a VMWare system,
> as the hardware is on its last legs.
No idea why you would like to turn it into a VMware system,
but moving a linux host into KVM is rather trivial.
> How would you do it?
Not at all, as I wouldn't use VMware.
> Or would you just move the two guests off it first?
Always an option, reduces overhead and moving Linux-VServer
guests is rather trivial too, but can be done after the
entire host was put into KVM.
> I still have the issue of moving the mail server which
> is not virtualized but is running on the host itself.
> Any hints welcome, TIA.
> -- Eugen
Received on Tue Dec 10 18:17:29 2013