Hi Daniel:
Thanks for giving this all "a think". I'd vote for the things you
mention (check status of guests and hosts; building guests from a
template; deleting guests; backup guests up). Also, changing resources:
- RAM or cpu allocated to guests
- I put guests in Logical volumes to "constrain" disk resource
consuption, and have scripts to resize the LVs ....maybe something about
changing storage amounts for guests, and moving guests dynamically (not
sure how practical this last one is - e.g., we use ssh to connect to
guests and moving one might involve issues with the IP and ssh keys).
Does Vserver have a way from the community to put together a
requirements list?
Thanks! Ted
On 11/06/13 12:38, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> Hi,
> So what functionality would you all like to see? Discovering running guests
> and reporting status on them? Building guests using virtinst? Removing
> guests?
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> Claus Herwig wrote:
>>>> If we want to have linux vserver supported someone has to sponsor
>>>> a libvirt dev.
>>> There have been various input to this:
>>> https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-January/msg00097.html
>>> https://github.com/amery/libvirt-vserver
>>> Who should be approach about this now. I'd like to know how much this
>>> would cost. It would be most beneficial in various areas of my work.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ben
>> I'd like to support this.
>> Claus
>> --
>> CHECON EDV-Consulting * Marktstr. 14 * 80802 München
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Received on Thu Nov 7 15:07:38 2013