Me too(!)
On Nov 5, 2013, at 5:37 AM, Ben Green <> wrote:
> Quoting Ghislain <>:
>> i don't think so as lxc is supported by libvirt but linux vserver is not supported by it. All the products use libvirt so until linux vserver is supported by it you will not see any tool that is compatible with, at least not in the "standard" ones as it would require to write a specific module for it and no one do that they just use libvirt in their product. So yes in theory but the support issue, imho , is not here.
>> If we want to have linux vserver supported someone has to sponsor a libvirt dev.
> There have been various input to this:
> Who should be approach about this now. I'd like to know how much this would cost. It would be most beneficial in various areas of my work.
> Cheers,
> Ben
Received on Tue Nov 5 14:13:39 2013