Hi all
This is answered by this FAQ:
and this is indeed what happens.
I need to have such files tagged for the vserver and I have a clumsy
workround with chxid run from the host.
Somewhere in my reading about vservers I'm sure I read that the tag
would be copied from the directory tag when a new file is created.
It may be that this happens only when inside a vserver context - but
maybe some other flag or whatever changes this behaviour. I cannot find
this web page again.
Is there some way to do this from the host other than fixing it with
chxid afterwards?
Could I set some flag on the parent directory?
Could I run the program which creates the file from the host but in a
vserver context - if so how?
vserver exec can't work because the program is on the host and is not
present inside the vserver.
Thanks in advance
Received on Mon May 27 15:09:32 2013