On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 05:49:39PM +0100, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Jean Weisbuch <jean@phpnet.org>:
>> We had kernel panic on this very kernel :
>> http://list.linux-vserver.org/archive?mss:5834:ppphpmdbegeaoemoogfb
>> However, we didnt have this problems on 3.0.22 and older kernels and
>> we dont have the problem (so far at least) on 3.2.15-vs2.3.2.8-beng
>> x86_64 with at least 5 or 6 servers on it since last week.
> Since there's some issues with 3.2.x that have come to light also, I'll
> roll up a new 3.0.x kernel this week. Also a new 3.2.x could do with
> being rolled. I'll try to make these up to date with the mainline
> kernels, so 3.0.31 and 3.2.16 if that's proves possible.
Great, thanks!
Received on Tue May 8 11:28:02 2012