Le 24/01/2012 00:29, Sergiusz Pawlowicz a écrit :
> Hi, does it mean a user in guest can take over the whole machine or
> only the guest itself?
> cheers -
> Serge
Only the guest itself, "fortunately".
--- As promised, the kernel package for Debian : http://jbboin.phpnet.org/procmemfix/linux-image-3.0.17-vs2.3.2.1-procmemfix_3.0.17-vs2.3.2.1-procmemfix-10.00.Custom_amd64.deb So far, i tried it on one machine and the exploit doesnt seems to work anymore but it might be unstable, so, try at your own risks. ps: the kernel headers package : http://jbboin.phpnet.org/procmemfix/linux-headers-3.0.17-vs2.3.2.1-procmemfix_3.0.17-vs2.3.2.1-procmemfix-10.00.Custom_amd64.debReceived on Mon Jan 23 23:53:12 2012