Re: [vserver] ext4 inode tagging

From: Adrian Reyer <>
Date: Mon 16 Jan 2012 - 21:08:21 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 07:08:30PM +0100, Roberto Puzzanghera wrote:
> My case is simpler. I have to share the users' web space (vs1
> context) to the apache vserver (vs2 context). So the shared tree is
> owned by userID:apacheID and the apacheID=80 is common between vs1
> and vs2; so there's non need to grant 777 permissions.

I do this with ACLs. Something like this should work:
setfacl -dm g:apache:rx DIRECTORY
setfacl -m d:g:users:rx DIRECTORY
I hope I stripped it down correctly, as I ripped it from a line I used
earlier to set 3 users and a group. Obviously only the group is left

Be aware, apache only delivers if the file in question is
world-readable (o+r).


LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart
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Received on Mon Jan 16 21:08:41 2012
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