On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 11:16:08 +0200 (CEST) Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
[snip snap]
> > Actually pre-start might be better suited.
> > I will play with those, but I already can see where this will be less
> > than elegant, unless there is an environment variable that holds the
> > name (or more precisely the configuration directory) of the vserver
> > that is being started at the time.
> > Otherwise it will be one script with manually configured IP per guest,
> > instead of a generic default one that goes to pick the IP(s) from the
> > configuration files.
> The name of the guest is the second argument to it. You can also drop it
> in .defaults, and have it automatically apply to all of your guests...
Great, sounds perfect for the intended purpose! ^.^
-- Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer chibi@gol.com Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications http://www.gol.com/Received on Thu Aug 18 14:06:06 2011