On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 02:56:41PM +0200, Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> IPv6 ::1 isolation is considered the equivalent to
> the currently implemented 127.x.y.1 lback (re)mapping
> which allows multiple guests to use isolated
> by mapping to a placeholder IP (127.x.y.1)
> and back so that services can bind to separate addresses
> this is done in a transparent way so that the guest
> always sees
> a similar approach with certain dedicated IPv6 ips
> should (at least in theory) provide the equivalent
> for IPv6 (good candidates come from the IPv4 mapped
> range, the link local fe80::/10, and the unique
> local fc00::/7 range)
> the basic mapping (forward and backward), the kernel
> interface changes (to support setting the IPv6 lback)
> and the necessary changes to generate the auto lback
> will roughly take 25-35 hours of work, including basic
> testing
> of course, testing done by folks actually using IPv6
> (I'm still using IPv4 for almost everything) would
> be necessary to iron out issues, but I guess that will
> be gladly provided by the interested parties :)
> I can work at a hourly rate of 50 EUR for this specific
> project (excluding taxes) and provide an invoice.
> there are no guarantees that this will actually work
> but all code checks and discussions done with IPv6
> folks so far make me believe that it will just work
> like the IPv4 lback isolation.
> pleas use this thread to coordinate if you want this
> feature to be implemented (target kernel is 3.0 unless
> the overwhelming majority wants a different branch)
I've already received 500 EUR from NETCUP GMBH which
I consider dedicated to this feature (please correct
me if I'm wrong on that) and a promise for 1/nth for
n > 4 (i.e. at most 350 EUR) from Ed W and one over
100 EUR from Eugen Leitl ...
this basically means that the feature fund for this
particular feature is at least 500 EUR short to get
started but might require about 800 EUR to complete
I'll wait a little longer (let's say a week or two)
and then we'll decide what to do in this regard.
thanks so far,
> many thanks in advance,
> Herbert
Received on Mon Aug 8 18:20:50 2011