On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 02:10:24PM +0100, mourad.alia@orange-ftgroup.com wrote:
> Dear VServers,
> Is there any tool for the management of VServers VMs ?
> Currently, we are using OpenVCP but It does not scale.
there were a bunch of them and several modules/plugins for
various management products were written to support the
Linux-VServer interface ...
there are (probably outdated) patches to add libvirt
support for Linux-VServer as well, which opens up a whole
range of open and proprietary solutions ...
but we always considered the actual management and
presentation towards the end user something each provider
does as added value ...
> Note that we have thousands of VMs to manage.
nothing which cannot be done with a good bash script :)
but if you need management softwar efor several thousand
Linux-VServer guests, I see the following options:
- dig out libvirt stuff and help with the submission
(will make all libvirt based management guis work)
- pick a certain project/gui/panel and add/update the
Linux-VServer support there
- develop your own software tailored to your specific
needs based on util-vserver/libvserver/kernel API
> Thank you for your response,
> -- Mourad
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we will treat it with the highest degree of confidentiality
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but if we followed the instructions to the letter, we would
have just deleted it ... so please stop that crap :)
Received on Thu Mar 10 13:43:11 2011