On Friday 25,February,2011 08:39 AM, Tim Spriggs wrote:
> This script was written for my environment so it assumes the use of
> "vlan" interfaces of the form:
> vlan2/vlan3/...vlanN
> instead of the other forms.
If someone would not mind helping me with my ignorance :-) what's the
advantages of using vlans in your vserver networking? I've always used
"novlandev" (which is the default now, I think) in networking and simply
created the addresses as secondaries on the interface.
We use tagged vlans on our switches, so I understand the concept. But
I'm having trouble seeing what I gain from putting every vserver on its
own vlan. I think I'm missing something conceptually.
For folks who are using vlans in their vserver networking, I'd
appreciate knowing why you choose to go that route and how you feel it
improves your setup as opposed to simply creating secondary addresses on
the interfaces.
Jeff Jansen
Received on Fri Feb 25 01:01:45 2011