Le 22 févr. 2011 à 11:00, Ghislain a écrit :
> Le 21/02/2011 13:55, Romain Riviere a écrit :
>> Hi list,
>> I'm using the latest (pre2935) util-vserver on the almost-latest (2.6.38-rc4-vs2.3.0.37-rc4) vserver kernel.
>> I used to have a home-brewed script to launch commands in running vservers, ie do the equivalent of vsomething --running. I wanted to give
> vsomething --running ?
> does this exist or is it something you wanted to have ?
Definitely exists here :
srv419 / # vsomething --help
Usage: /usr/sbin/vsomething [--quiet|-q] [--debug] <cmd> [--] <vserver-name>* [<filter>] -- <params>+
where <filter> is any combination of:
--all All guests
--running All running guests
--stopped All stopped guests
--marked All guests with a mark set
--unmarked All guests without a mark set
--mark <m> All guests with mark <m> set
That's why I mentioned I was using a rather recent version of util-vserver. I don't recall seeing the <filter> option in 0.30.215 for example.
Received on Tue Feb 22 10:59:47 2011