When you start the vserver instance, try debug it, you will find when you start the vserver on a tty that it prints information about which upstart-job that is actually the problem. For help to debug look at http://linux-vserver.org/Upstart_issues#Notes_for_debugging. Herbert may have eased up the debug-handling since I last dealt with it, in that case please do fill in.
Cheers, Josef
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Jansen" <jeff.jansen@kkoncepts.net>
To: vserver@list.linux-vserver.org
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 3:24:59 AM
Subject: Re: [vserver] ubuntu as vserver guest
On Monday 20,December,2010 07:20 AM, Ekkard Gerlach wrote:
> somebody here who can help me running ubuntu as vserver guest?
> Using: lenny 32Bit as host, Kernel linux-image-2.6.32-bpo.5-vserver-686,
> ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32Bit version. ubuntu 10.04 runs with 2.6.32
> as well.
> BTW: I don't understand the "/lib/init/upstart-job" philosophy of ubuntu.
If you want to run LUCID guests on vserver, you need to take a look at
the following pages:
You have to disable services not only in "/etc/init.d" (the sysv type)
but also in "/etc/init" (the upstart type).
I've not been able to get LUCID running successfully on lenny, although
I've only tried with the stock 2.6.26 kernel. I do have LUCID guests
running on Squeeze, however, with the 2.6.32 kernel (which you are also
using), so perhaps you'll have better luck.
I'll post another message with my remaining LUCID guest issues.
Jeff Jansen
Received on Mon Dec 20 12:54:35 2010