[vserver] Vserver : Any VM performance supervision tools ?

From: <mourad.alia_at_orange-ftgroup.com>
Date: Sun 05 Dec 2010 - 09:39:05 GMT
Message-ID: <21990_1291541946_4CFB5DBA_21990_142474_1_AFD6B5459394674D90CD2227EC14ED8B42D9E40069@PUEXCB2C.nanterre.francetelecom.fr>

Dear VServer(s),

I am using VServer to emulate traffics in P2P like networks to test the performance of my application when the number of peers scale. Currently, I am getting into and I will come back to you to share my feedback and experience with you.

For now, I have one question :
Is there any tool in order to watch the performance (CPU, Memory, Networks stats, etc.) of a given VM in a given VServer host ?

Thank you for your response,
- -Mourad

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