Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:13:33AM +0100, Ghislain wrote:
>> hi,
>> http://linux-vserver.org/util-vserver:Cheatsheet#How_to_add_an_IP_address_to_a_live_guest_.3F
>> i have not checked but i wonder if you add an ip if servers inside
>> the guest (apache/sendmail etc) will see it without a restart.
>> Therefor a script that add the ip to the vserver config and restart
>> it seems the "no brain" solution.
> even better, you can assign all IPs to a guest, even those
> which are not available yet (i.e. become available after a
> failover), and services will magically pick them up once
> the IP becomes available on the host.
> alternatively, if you do not use single ip special casing
> most services (those binding to will pick up 'new'
> IP addresses without restart once they are assigned to the
> guest ...
Indeed, I'm aware of all that. The thing I was enquiring about is the
part that integrates with heartbeat. Heartbeat will happily migrate the
IPs from one host to the other, but it won't do the
naddress --add --nid <guestname> --ip <guestip>
part. I was just wondering if there was a pre-cooked resource management
script for heartbeat that handles this already.
Received on Fri Nov 26 10:28:50 2010