On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 03:02:25PM +0100, Gordan Bobic wrote:
> I have just tested this with a new kernel. And the issue doesn't arise
> with! So it is definitely a kernel bug, most
> likely in ext4.
> This really needs to be documented and stressed on the pages with
> download links. Hashify feature causes total data corruption with
> when used on ext4 without a journal.
well, thanks for investigating this, but you are
aware that _nobody_ is supposed to use that kernel
or patch anymore, as it was highly experimental
(see the pre) and superceeded by a working version
in general, I'd stay away from kernels 2.6.25-2.6.31
especially with 'sensitive' filesystems like ext4,
reiserfs and btrfs ...
> I haven't tried other cases (ext4 with a journal or other file systems)
> so I cannot speak for those, but in the mentioned use cases it is
> completely repeatable.
if the issue persists in the recent kernel branches,
i.e. in or even 2.6.33.x/2.6.35.x then
we need to investigate, otherwise I consider this
closed ...
> Gordan
Received on Thu Oct 21 10:16:59 2010