Nikolay Kichukov wrote:
> Hi Gordan, you may want to check that url below:
> I have not tried that myself, just performed a quick search and bumped into it. Seems like a patch for is out
> there...
Thanks for that, I'll look into it. :)
I wonder if this is a completely different implementation or just an
update to the old version that fell out of netfilter's patch-o-matic
after around 2.6.22 and was only maintained up to around 2.6.29 by the
project site where I got it...
> and second, I consider it an inappropriate option to keep the filesystem mounted in writeback mode without a battery
> backed up disk controller? Anyone?
Well, I don't really see it as any less appropriate than any
non-journalled file system. Either way, I don't think that is
responsible for my problem - the machine was running fine for weeks
before I shut it down, and it was a clean shutdown. Unless there was a
very weird bug in ext4 involved. Or I have a disk failure on my hands.
But from what I've found, the damage seems too limited to binary files
for that.
Received on Mon Oct 18 08:38:20 2010