> for the record, it still works for me as i just double-checked:
> # vserver test1 exec ls /mnt
> # echo this is a test >/tmp/test.txt
> # vnamespace -e test1 mount --bind /tmp /home/vservers/test1/mnt
> # vserver test1 exec ls /mnt
> lost+found test.txt
> # vserver test1 exec cat /mnt/test.txt
> this is a test
> # vnamespace -e test1 umount /home/vservers/test1/mnt
> # vserver test1 exec ls /mnt
> # rm /tmp/test.txt
so far it looks that there is some problem with utils in Lenny
(0.30.216~r2772-6 ; 0.30.216-pre2772), with same custom kernel it works as
expected when using utils from testing (package 0.30.216-pre2864-2+b1
although vserver-info shows 0.30.215)
thank you for your help gentlemen
Received on Mon Jun 28 13:37:48 2010