On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 03:56:45PM +0200, Petar Hitij wrote:
> It is fixed. I replaced portmap on host with rpcbind and used "-i
> insecure" mode which allows SET and UNSET from any host. Guests are
> served by hosts rpcbind daemon.
> rpcbind has -h option for binding to specific ip, but it binds to
> anyway, so the last possible combination finaly worked.
> Thanks, the exchange helped me to get unstuck.
Fine! I keep the mail somewhere just in case...
> > It was tricky, IIRC, but it works here on the host with just
> >
> > OPTIONS="-i"
> >
> > in /etc/default/portmap
> >
> > (And nothing in guests.)
> Which version/distro?
Stock Debian Lenny, with Ben Green's kernel (but it worked also with
the Lenny one).
> > - glusterfs ? It's a user space cluster FS, easy to setup and with
> > very decent performances.
> I have Sun (oracle?) machines for clients...
I seems to work only under Linux, with FUSE, sorry for the noise...
-- JFS.Received on Mon May 17 15:38:18 2010