Re: [vserver] Guest IP

From: Adrian Reyer <>
Date: Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 08:57:31 BST
Message-ID: <>


On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:29:53PM -0500, Jacobo Nájera wrote:
> I have one guest with his static IP diferent to the host, but i have
> problem because when I resolved to guest the guest IP forwards to
> host. I saw linux vserver documention and i tried differents ways,
> but i need your orientation

I guess you talk about some process, e.g. sshd you want to connect to.
You use the guest IP and end up on the host instead.
VServer networking as such doesn't really exist, IPs are always on the
host, some of them are just passed through to the guest. Now by running
a service on the host and binding it to all interfaces it uses the IP of
the guest as well. Now when you start up the guest the port is already
in use.
The common solution is one of the following:
a) bind the service on the host only specifically to the host IP, usually
   some statement like 'Listen' in the services configuration
b) use 'chbind' to do the same
c) use a different port for guest and host services and possibly use
   iptables DNAT to route the services as you want to see them

Unless you use the same IP in multiple guests you don't need to bind the
guest service as the guest can only access its own IP anyway.


LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart
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Received on Mon Apr 12 08:57:44 2010
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