On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 05:18:48PM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Do I have to call
> find /vservers/.hash -type f -links 1 -exec rm -v '{}' ';'
> after every hashify?
You can, but it's not mandatory.
It depends, of course, of the frequency at which you modify your
VServers, but calling that command once a week by crontab should be a
reasonable setting.
> It doesn't seem to free anything in the filesystem.
Simply run it without the "-exec" part, to see if the command find
If it prints nothing, it means that all hashed files have more than
one link, so they are linked to some VServer (and should obviously not
be removed...).
> If yes, does this work with the Debian vserver layout?
Yes, providing you give the right path for your VServers repo, i.e.
your VServers have to be in /vservers in the used command above.
Substitue as apropriate.
-- JFS.Received on Sat Apr 10 16:37:09 2010