On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 02:18:19PM +0200, Romberg Christo wrote:
> "I've tried the same setup with OpenVZ, but without a lot
> of troubles, so I switched to Vserver"
> I meant "WITH a lot of troubles...", of course..
hehe ...
> My goal is to set up a couple of kiosk-computers to be used in some
> public environments.. I'd like to have one host/guest per computer..
> directing the end user to the guest system on boot. I do not want to
> use CHROOT due to security issues, and these computers are obsolete -
> none of them have VT processors, so KVM is not an option in this case.
> I've tried the same setup with OpenVZ, but without a lot of troubles,
> so I switched to Vserver
> It seems that all other hardware is working inside the container..even
> the sound.
> > you probably need to copy any devices the userspace
> > driver part (from xorg) uses when setting up the
> > graphics card into the guest
> Where should these devices be located in the filesystem?
your best chance is to start X (Xorg) with strace -fF
(maybe add -o Xorg_trace) and to check this trace for
'open' and 'mmap' calls (later maybe even for 'stat') ...
everything Xorg opens or mmaps which even remotely looks
like a device might be relevant.
> Sorry for asking dumb question - not much of a pro on Linux systems :-P
no problem, you'll become a pro soon :)
[rest zapped]
Received on Thu Mar 25 15:37:59 2010