On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 17:27 +0100, Jarry wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to install and run VMware-workstation or Wine
> on vserver-guest? I have some Windows(TM) software I want to
> run on my server, so my choice is VMware/workstation or Wine.
> But I do not want to install it on vserver-host as both Wine
> and VMware would sure pull the whole X-stuff and I prefer
> keeping my vserver-host clean and secured, with only minium
> services running...
Wine should run fine as it is just a user space process (caveates about
running an XServer on a guest apply, if your display is remote you
should be fine). The only problems you are likely to have with VMWare
is if it requires a kernel module or special access to kernel features /
devices. If it runs as a normal user space process you should be fine.
- Martin
Received on Thu Nov 19 16:42:12 2009