On Fri October 30 2009, Gerhard Mehsel wrote:
> Hello Herbert,
Yes you have a choice - I am running current Debian/Lenny installed
four days ago.
Go to the front page of Linux-Vserver - near the bottom of the page,
use the links there to download the current kernel ( 4days ago)
and the corresponding patch.
Make a copy of the kernel configuration file from /boot/config-<your choice>
to .config in the top level directory of the kernel tree.
Use: make oldconfig then to bring the .config file upto date.
Nothing else needed in the way of Debian specific patches, the above
will run your distribution once you finish building it.
There are a zillion sets of directions on the 'net on how to build
a kernel, google knows if you have to ask.
Yes - sounds like a Apache configuration error -
Try setting it to listen to the address available inside the guest.
> thank you for your reply!
> I got it working now. After suppling correct params for the build
> command like this
> vserver vs2 build \
> -m debootstrap --context 1234 \
> --hostname vs2 \
> --interface eth0:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/26 \
> --interface 0=eth0:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/26 \
> --interface lo: \
> -- -d lenny -m http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian
> it configured the guests network correctly. Now I have inside my guest:
> eth0 : IP and netmask correct
> eth0:0 IP and netmask correct
> lo
> But nevertheless your information helped me to understand more about the
> guest network configuration.
> > please avoid the 2.6.26 kernels, they are known-to-be-broken
> In which way are they broken? Do I have an alternative? I'm using the
> linux-image-2.6.26-1-vserver-686 as it is the Lenny standard vserver
> kernel after a fresh installation.
> > you usually do not specify for a guest,
> > unless you exactly know what you are doing :)
> as you can read, I don't know what I'm doing :-)
> But why not use --interface lo: ?
> I use it to bind mysqld to
> BTW I have another problem now: I installed apache2 inside the guest and
> it cannot start up. Apache complains, that it cannot bind to
> As there is no other services listening to port 80 and I cannot find
> any zombie pids from apache I'm not sure if it is still a networking
> problem or perhaps a result of the 2.6.26 kernel bug? Or is it me (=
> configuration problem)?
> What do you think?
> Have a nice time,
> Gerd
Received on Sat Oct 31 00:18:57 2009