I believe you would simply install VServer on the second server as you
did on the first. The important thing is to have the kernel patch and
the util-vserver files. You can install the kernel from RPM, by
patching the kernel source and compiling a custom kernel (if you are
asking how to do that, there are plenty of how-tos available on the web
- basically download the kernel source, download the vserver patch, run
patch (do "man patch" and "man diff" after installing the patch and diff
utilities (diff isn't necessary but helps explain patch), configure,
compile, and install the kernel), or any other available method for your
Linux distribution. The same with installing util-vserver.
Once that is done, simply copy the entire /vserver and /etc/vserver
directories. I've never tried it but I would imagine you can copy a
single vserver by copying its subdirectories out of /vserver
and /etc/vserver. I'm guessing this will work even with hashification
enabled. If moving multiple hashified vserver guests, I would guess one
would have to rehashify
(http://linux-vserver.org/util-vserver:Vhashify). Can anyone with
experience doing this confirm that? Hope this helps - John
On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 12:27 -0200, dzenan.causevic@wise-t.com wrote:
> Procedure on how to move a single VServer guest to another machine running
> different linux distribution.. Checking official documentation only
> mentions this possibility as a copy over procedure, but it doesn't say how
> exactly to do this.
> I guess first prerequisite would be to install util-vserver on destination
> machine, then simply copy over entire guest directory, and finally update
> /etc/vserver configuration files correct?
> But what kind of kernel patching was necessary, I am not sure... That's
> why I was looking for some guide that describes this procedure exactly
> Thanks,
> Dzenan
> > On 12/10/2009, at 15.29, <dzenan.causevic@wise-t.com>
> > <dzenan.causevic@wise-t.com
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> You mean kernel on destination host must be patched? How do I patch
> >> kernel
> >> for vserver on destination host?
> >> Actually is there some detailed guide on this procedure?
> >
> > For which procedure?
> > There are lots of guides for general linux kernel patching
> > There is probably some guide for linux-vserver
> >
> > Your destination also has to have util-vserver installed.
> >
> >
> > Did you check the website?
> > http://linux-vserver.org/Documentation
> >
> >
> >
> > JonB
> >
> >
> >
-- John A. Sullivan III Open Source Development Corporation +1 207-985-7880 jsullivan@opensourcedevel.com http://www.spiritualoutreach.com Making Christianity intelligible to secular societyReceived on Mon Oct 12 11:44:09 2009