Re: [vserver] Debian Support

From: Mark Little <>
Date: Tue 29 Sep 2009 - 14:46:35 BST
Message-ID: <1e2cc7c528db23b8a472cdd67bc34805@localhost>

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 14:39:25 +0200, Christoph Lukas
<> wrote:
> Indeed sad news.
>> Anyone else any feelings about this? Any chance of a rescue attempt?
> As you might know, I am trying to maintain ubuntu vserver kernel images
> at [1].
> If you think about maintaining a Debian Linux-VServer kernel image we
> could probably join efforts.
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> [1]:

Hey all,

I've only recently started using Linux-VServer but I am really impressed
by its performance so far. I was initially having problems with the Lenny
kernel's but then discovered Ben's beautiful repository and have had some
servers running stable for weeks now.

Anyway, I was wondering how much work is actually involved in maintaining
a kernel image? With Debian's slow release cycle it seems that once they
stick with a kernel for a release, you only get updated kernel's when the
whole release gets updated or there are major security fixes required. So
I figured generally there is going to be a /trunk kernel image updated and
then you just need to apply the current VS patch against it and package it?

I am definitely overdue for giving back to FOSS so this is something I may
be able to commit some time to.. however I want to make sure I am not
getting in over my head here and end up letting the project down.

Can anyone estimate how much time they think it would take per week/month,
etc? and if it would generally be in waves of some busy weeks then quiet
for a month or two, or pretty steady?

Received on Tue Sep 29 14:47:01 2009

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