[vserver] default ulimits

From: Corin Langosch <corinl_at_gmx.de>
Date: Tue 22 Sep 2009 - 23:05:51 BST
Message-ID: <4AB94A3F.5040202@gmx.de>


I'd like to change/increase the default ulimits for a vserver.

According to the docs I created a file like this:

root@r15717:/# cat /etc/vservers/vs15780/ulimits/nofile

I restarted the vserver but ulimit -n still shows 1024 and I can't
increase it with ulimit -n 8192:

root@vs15780:~# ulimit -n 8192
-bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted

What's wrong? :)

Received on Wed Sep 23 08:06:25 2009

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