> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 09:41:02PM +0200, Bart??omiej Ochman wrote:
>> Hello VServer Users,
>> recently I created a simple script that can be used to automatically
>> update contents of the table with experimental versions of the patches,
>> based on the contents of 13thfloor.at/Experimental/ and
>> people.linux-vserver.org/~harry/. It's far from being complete, fool-
>> and error proof, but it's already doing what it's supposed to.
> great!
>> The code is available at http://code.google.com/p/autotab/ just the
>> Template URL needs to be set to the right one. It could be run as a
>> cronjob from anywhere or by hand, when new patches are uploaded to the
>> source dirs (Bertl, harry?)
> yes, running it as part of an upload should be no
> problem for me ... thanks!
>> I'll change it here and there, especially the part that generates and
>> sends http request, as my spare time allows. Any comments / thoughts /
>> patches are welcome.
> maybe we can integrate it at some point into the
> wiki or at least as a web triggered script, ala
> "Push Button to Update" ...
> thanks,
> Herbert
>> Regards,
>> BO
sounds good!
but why not create it on the fly? (or is that too "stressful"?)
Rik Bobbaers
-- http://harry.enzoverder.be
linux/unix/system/network/security/hardware/DR admin
Received on Fri Sep 18 11:40:11 2009