naaah... vserver is just too perfect for me. i'm the operator, fuck what
the rest wants! ;)
Rik Bobbaers
linux/unix/system/network/security/hardware/DR admin
> On 11/08/2009, at 09.28, Rik Bobbaers wrote:
>> just my 2 cents here...
>> if i say: i want to run X in a guest
>> then the sollution: just run X on the host... is NOT a sollution.
>> Since
>> that's not what i want!
>> it's like saying: i want to walk to the grocery store, but don't know
>> which way to go
>> and someone says: take the car
>> it's possible, but not a sollution to a problem!
>> and all to often i see that kind of sollution pass here.
>> e.g. i want to rent a guest "machine" to people but can't be
>> bothered with
>> how/what they firewall, then i want them to be able te make sure it's
>> firewalled (or not). and i don't care if that's bad practice or not. i
>> just want iptables in my guests and that 's not possible with vserver
>> (which i can imagine, is a "problem" for some people)
> Maybe you should use one of those less efficient virtualisation
> technologies then.
Received on Tue Aug 11 10:24:07 2009