Why not to make something sinmilart to openvz - optiuonallly emaulte eth?
I think it will make a great improvents to vserver.
PS. I like vserver so mush ( but don't have all required skill to extend it.)
emulation of eth will let to use iptaBLES, VPN, DHCPD, SAMBA,, ETC...
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Ed W<lists@wildgooses.com> wrote:
> Michael wrote:
>> Is it possible to use iptables in VPS?
>> The only part that holds me into openvz.
>> I need to use iptables inside VPS not on the host.
> Someone else will no doubt correct me, but as I understand it you can grant
> any guest any capability you wish, including the ability to fart with the
> network stack. However, obviously any guest which can run iptables can
> implicitly also take down the network card and potentially cause problems
> for other instances sharing that card (ie the network stack ain't
> virtualised)
> If this isn't a problem I think you just grant your image a capabilities
> flag and off you go?
> Another option would be to setup some kind of IPC back to the host and that
> would then vet the iptables options and implement them on your behalf... I
> think this has been discussed in more oblique forms before, but not sure how
> easy it would be to google for these threads... (perhaps on "ipc"?)
> I think a final issue is that the vservers appear to iptables as local
> processes (which they are) and this has certain implications for the way you
> need to use iptables which are a bit peculiar and catch a bunch of folks
> out. Basically stuff doesn't go through the forward chain like you might
> expect, but only sits on the INPUT (or something like that??)
> Good luck
> Ed W
-- -- MichaelReceived on Mon Aug 10 08:37:42 2009